2021 Wreath Fundraiser

Mail order Form--send one to a friend!
Pictures of items for sale

We are starting our annual Wreath Fundraiser this week. Orders and money will be due Nov 5th. Please drop orders off at The Southworth’s home 4821 Laredo Drive Pasco, on or before Nov 5th.

This year we will continue to do this a little differently. In this email you will find an electronic order form. You can print this out and use it to take orders or you can use it electronically and return it via email. Please don’t drop orders and money off at Delta. They need to be dropped off at the Southworth’s home.

If you’d prefer to only have online orders placed you are able to do that through our square site. You can share this with family and friends and then pickup your orders on Nov 21st and deliver them. The link is at the bottom of this email.

All orders will be delivered on Sunday Nov 21st. Orders must be picked up by that evening. Pick up location will be the Southworth’s home in Pasco. The greenery is fresh so it must be picked up that day and delivered as soon as possible to customers, so it can be watered when needed. I cannot spend Thanksgiving watering dozens of arrangements.

You will find the order form with prices on it. You must collect money when you get your orders. You can have your friends and family pay via our square link, if that is more convenient please make note on your order form if payment was sent this way so we don’t double order.

This fundraiser will benefit Grad Night Party 2022 if you are a senior, and everyone else’s orders will benefit the Winter Wishes program at Delta. Our profit margin on this fundraiser is 40-50% depending on the item so it is a very beneficial fundraiser.

If you would prefer to not participate in the fundraiser and would just like to make a donation that is also greatly appreciated. That can be done either by mailing or dropping off your donation at Delta or via the square link. All donations are tax deductible as PoDS is a 501c3 organization.


Make sure your order form has your email and contact phone number for picking up. If you have any questions please let us know.

Thank you!


Jamie Southworth and Carrie Hallquist
Parents of Delta Students