Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year! (8/22/20)

Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year! (8/22/20)


Hello Again from Delta!

We have placed a great deal of back-to-school information on our website on the "Delta Prep 2020-2021" link which can be found at: https://www.thedeltahighschool.com/school/delta-2020-2021-prep 

There is a required form (Delta Release Form) that needs to be returned ASAP, as well as the free-reduced lunch form (for all KSD/PSD/RSD) students.  We encourage ALL students to complete and return this form as it provides more than just access to meals.  See our site for details.  

More info will be shared throughout the week. We're getting excited for the new year at Delta!


Greetings, Delta Families! 

We at Delta are gearing up for another great year of learning!  Our teachers are excited to get back to work, connecting with our students and engaging them in exciting activities for the coming year.  Much more information will be provided in the weeks ahead but we do want to communicate that initially our school year will begin online.  While this certainly is not ideal for most of us, this decision has been agreed upon at this time by all three of our partner school districts based on guidance from our local Health Department, with student and staff safety as the top priority.  The decision to move to a hybrid model of some online and some in-person learning, and potentially to full in-person learning, will be continuously reviewed by our districts throughout the year.   

The first day of school will be September 1st.  Many details must be worked out before that time and they will be communicated as early as possible.  Schedules and class details will be available at some point during the last week of August.  You can also anticipate a more regular schedule than in the Spring, with specific times set aside for synchronous (live) learning for each class during the week. This will be in conjunction with the asynchronous (not live/recorded) learning that will also be delivered, allowing students to have some flexibility as to when they will engage with delivery of much of the classroom content.   

For our incoming 9th grade students...WELCOME!!! We will also be planning to have some sort of additional orientation for the Class of 2024 to help them acclimate to their new school home, and have a time set up for students to pick up their Delta laptops and be ready for the first day of school.