School Update, 6/17/20, 9:00 pm (Parent/Student Survey Links)

School Update, 6/17/20, 9:00 pm (Parent/Student Survey Links)

Updates will continue to be posted below with date and time--please check back regularly (also on Facebook and Edmodo):

6/17/20, 9:00 pm:  Parent Update w/ Survey Links for Parents and Students

Dear Parents, 

We have officially closed out the 2019-2020 school year and all I can say is, “WHEW!”  This was a year full of challenges for everyone, from students to parents to teachers and other school staff.  At Delta we are so appreciative of the support provided over the past few months, along with the flexibility shown throughout this time as the situation continued to develop and we had to repeatedly adapt.  No one expected school to be closed for the remainder of the year and with each extension of the closure came new guidance from the State, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Department of Health, and from our three partner school districts.   

Next year will continue to provide new challenges to schools throughout the State and the country.  The latest guidance from OSPI (linked below) gives a range of potential scenarios and those will be reviewed over the summer by all of our school districts so that we can begin a reopening plan for our school.  We do know that there is an expectation that we plan for “in-person” education, but what that looks like is still an unknown.  It will require masks to be worn by all.  It will include precautions for social distancing.  It will include plans for extra sanitation throughout the school.  It might be a hybrid model, with students alternating days at school with days where they are working from home and we have a reduced population on campus each day.  It might be that, at times, we close the building for extra cleaning of the campus and switch to full-time remote learning.  Obviously, we have work to do, and we at Delta and our partner school districts are committed to developing solutions that will provide a safe and productive school year for our students.   

We know that the ever-changing model of distance learning from the past few months will not continue to work for us next year.  We are developing plans to provide a more consistent approach to any distance learning that we need to do moving forward, including standardizing online learning platforms across the school.  Grading will change, with the model from the past few months no longer applying once school resumes, and our grades will look more normal.  We will also be putting into place a new system for providing community communication where parents can receive messages via email and/or text through a more efficient process.  

Much work needs to be done and we would appreciate your input as we seek to evaluate where we have been and make plans for moving into the 2020-2021 school year.  Please take a few minutes to complete the brief survey linked below, and let your students know that we are posting a survey for them on Edmodo, as well.  Thank you for your input, your patience, and your support, and we at Delta wish you a relaxing and enjoyable summer. 


Mike Johnson 


OSPI Guidance:  

Parent Survey: (Open through Monday, 6/22) 

Student Survey: (must be logged into school account) 


6/2/20, 12:00 pm: Update for students in grades 9-11 (ACTION ITEMS INCLUDED)

Dear Delta Families, 

We appreciate the work our students have put in these past 2.5 months, as well as the cooperation of our students, families and teachers during this very challenging time.  There are certainly a lot of questions about what school will look like to start next year and it will be some time before we have any definitive answers.  There is a state task force reviewing options at this time and then our local school districts will be making further decisions over the coming weeks and months.  We will communicate out with you when developments occur.   

A few items to share at this time for students currently in grades 9-11: 

(1) The last day of school will be June 17th, in line with the recent decision from the Pasco School District (as Delta follows the PSD calendar.)  

(2) For students in grades 9-11, school-issued laptops may be kept for the summer.   

(3) Students moving/leaving Delta may bring laptops and chargers to Delta between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm on 6/15, 6/16, or 6/17.   

(4) If you have any textbooks, cameras, or other equipment checked out please bring these items to Delta between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm on 6/15, 6/16, or 6/17.  [9th grade students: If you have a copy of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens book checked out (Mr. Diaz and Mrs. Rivera’s advisory classes) please bring the book back during these times.] 

(4) Report cards will be mailed home no later than 6/23.  

(5) Be sure to review the information on the Delta website for your class.  There are action items for all students, including returning your transportation and commitment forms ASAP.  Students in grades 10 and 11 also must complete a survey to help us place you in your classes for next year—this needs to be completed by the end of the week at the latest (or we choose your classes for you!)  

Current 11th grade:  

Current 10th grade:  

Current 9th grade: 


5/19/20 UPDATE, 9:00 am: Info and ACTION ITEM for all current students in grades 9-11


We hope this email finds you and your family safe and healthy, as we know the current situation has been difficult for everyone.  Our teachers are working hard to provide weekly learning activities to engage your students at home and we encourage you to check in with your students regularly to monitor their progress.  Weekly participation is being recorded in PowerSchool as an "assignment" grade so be sure to check there each week for a record of your child's progress. (An "M" designates "Missing" participation; a checkmark designates they have been engaging in the past week.)

As we prepare for the 2020-2021 school year there are some documents and info that we need from every student in grades 9-11.  We handed out these documents--a commitment form and a transportation form--to the students immediately prior to the closure.  We ask that you complete these forms and email them to  You can scan them or take a picture--whatever works best--or you may mail them to the school.  (If you send via US mail please send an email to Mrs. Schirmer letting her know that they have been sent.)

You may no longer have these documents so they are now available on our website.  Additionally, all students in grades 10 and 11 need to complete a survey to help us best place them into their classes next year.  All of this information--the required documents and the survey--is on the Delta website under pages built for each specific class.  You may find the pages at:

CLASS OF 2021 (current 11th grade)

CLASS OF 2022 (current 10th grade)

CLASS OF 2023 (current 9th grade)

Please work to get these documents completed and sent in this week so that we can schedule your child into their classes for the upcoming school year.

Thank you!

5/1/20 GRADING UPDATE, 9:30 am

Delta Students and Families, 

Following guidance from the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) last week, our three partner districts have been developing plans for instituting new policies for student grading and awarding of credits for courses for the remainder of the year.  Due to our use of the Trimester system, similar to schools in Pasco, we will be following the guidance from the Pasco School District for grading for Trimester 3.  

Initially following the school closure on March 17th students were strongly encouraged to keep up with work in all their classes. Teachers have been posting weekly expectations for students to follow.  Many students have done an excellent job in this regard!  Others have had a more difficult time due to family circumstances—caring for siblings, working, family illnesses, etc.  We understand the difficulties faced by many of our students and families during this time of uncertainty and know these may impact a student’s ability to engage regularly with school. 

Beginning on Monday, May 4th, grading will commence, and final trimester grades will be based on student progress and level of engagement from May 4th-June 19th (possibly earlier for seniors).   

  • Our focus, as always, is on learning.  Feedback for assignments will be provided, but “grades” for individual assignments will be left up to the discretion of the teacher.  Some teachers may assign grades for some/all assignments, others may only mark assignments as “complete.”   

  • Final trimester 3 grades will not be determined by assignment grades, but rather based on a student’s progress, participation, and work completion from 5/4-6/19, and will be awarded based on the professional judgment of the teacher—while keeping in mind circumstances for students that provide challenges.  

  • More details about the PSD policies can be found at: HS Grading Framework During COVID-19 Closure.  Please note that credits will be awarded for all courses with a grade and grades will factor into a student’s cumulative GPA. 

  • The chart below shows how grades will be determined: 

    At-home learning progress Final Grade
    Student demonstrated strong progress; participated regularly and completed most assignments and expectations. A
    Student demonstrated some progress; participated some and completed some assignments. B
    Student made limited progress; participation and completion of work was not consistent. C
    Student made very limited or no progress; student rarely/never participated and work was rarely/never completed. D*
    In special circumstances, an incomplete may be given.  Please contact your administrator. Incomplete*
    *Opportunities for students to improve the final grade will be provided at a later date or through alternate means.  
  • Please note that, although Delta does not usually include “D” in our grading system, it will be utilized this trimester for this unique situation. 

What do we expect from our students from now until June 19th?  Engage in your coursework.  If you put forth an effort and show strong progress, your grades will reflect that effort.  If you are having difficulties engaging, please communicate that with your teachers so they have an understanding of your situation and can support you to the best of their ability.  We ask that all students regularly also look for announcements on Deltanomics (Edmodo), as great resources and information are posted there regularly.

Questions with regard to specific classes should be addressed to the individual teachers (all teacher contact info is available on the Delta website at  

If you are having other difficulties at home—dealing with major anxiety, depression, or other issues—please reach out to a trusted adult for support.  Ms. Muir, our Delta counselor, can be contacted through Edmodo or via email at, as well, and she is happy to provide support as needed. 

More information will be shared as we have it, and we will work to address any questions about the new grading policies as expediently as possible.  This is a unique situation and requires adjustments for all of us in how we think about school and grading. We appreciate our Delta community and look forward to continuing to work with our students over the coming weeks and beyond.   

Note: CWU courses may receive one “Delta” grade based on the above guidance, and a different grade based on the CWU course expectations that will appear on their college transcripts. 

Click here for downloadable PDF of Delta T3 Grading

4/24/20, 10:30 am Update

We know there are many questions about grading and credits for spring trimester.  The state issued new guidance on this matter earlier this week and all three school districts are in development of new plans to assure students have the opportunity to earn credits.  We expect to have a plan for our Delta students by the middle of next week.  At this point, keep working hard and know that your hard work WILL earn you credits for the spring term if you keep up with your work, and more details will be shared with you soon. 

4/13/20, 11:00 am Update


Please be sure to check for updates on the Delta webpage dedicated to Continued Learning during our extended school closure.  This page was updated yesterday and we plan to update it by 3:00 pm every Monday for the foreseeable future. 

As more information is determined at the state and district level regarding grading, credits, graduation, and more we will share out on Edmodo, Facebook, and on our website.  Please check back regularly for udpates.

We love and miss our Deltonians!  Please be working to keep up with your classes and communicate regularly with your teachers.

3/30/20, 1:20 pm Update

Delta Families,

You may now find continued learning information for Delta classes on our school website. Please check back with this page on a weekly basis for updates. We look forward to supporting our students in continued learning during the current school closure. Please note that no classwork will be posted next week during Spring Break. If you have specific questions for individual classes please reach out to the individual teachers. 

3/30/20, 9:00 am Update

Greetings, Delta Families!

By 3:00 pm today we will be posting a link on Facebook, Edmodo, and on our website that will take you to our Delta continued learning page. Every class will have posted information with regards to the best methods of communication, teacher "office hours" throughout the week, and expectations for the week ahead. Some teachers may just refer you where to look for more detailed information.

Our College in the High School classes are continuing and more detailed instructions are being shared with students by the instructors to enable them to keep up with the college-level work for the term.

Please check back here later today for updated information to get you to our Continued Learning webpage!

3/24/20, 1:00 pm Update

Good afternoon, Deltonians!

We continue to await further instructions from the state and from our partner school districts. This is not because work is not being done; rather, it is due to the complexity of the situation at hand. Please know we are thinking about our students and working to plan our next steps to support them.

At this point, we hope to have a plan in place by early next week after receiving more direction from the State last night. For now, I have posted a simple task for all of our students on Deltanomics. Please have your student check Deltanomics and send in the requested information that will help us set up an effective communication network. We need to know the best ways to keep in touch with each student and completing this quick task (it will take two minutes) will help immensely.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding! We hope you are well, that you are taking care of yourselves and your family, that you are keeping active, and that you are finding new ways to connect with loved ones that you cannot see in person in the short-term. We will all get through this and be back together soon--we miss our Deltonians!

3/20/20, 12:00 pm Update

Greetings, Delta Families! 

We hope this email finds you well and that you and your family are receiving the support you need at this time.  Delta (and many schools in all three of our districts) continues to serve meals to children ages 1-18 from 11-12:30 each weekday.  For the nearest location to you please check the website of your home school district.

We also know the uncertainty regarding the educational opportunities provided throughout this extended school closure can be disconcerting.  Priority has first been to consider how to provide nutritional services to families.  Next, the state will be providing direction for school districts as to what the expectations are for continued learning during the closure. We are expecting further information from the state on Monday, and it is our hope that we have more information to share by next Wednesday, March 25th, with regard to how Pasco School District and Delta High School will proceed.  Thank you all very much for your patience as we wait for information and as we begin to develop our own plans for moving forward. 

3/17/20, 9:00 pm Update

Good evening, Deltonians!

We hope you all are doing well, social distancing, and taking care of yourselves and your families. People in all three district have been working diligently to develop plans for providing meals to anyone in need, as this is the first priority during this unprecedented closure. Each district has plans in place and we encourage you to check your home district website for more information on where meals are being provided. From 11-12:30 you can stop by Delta to pick up a sack lunch (and breakfast for the following day!)--this is for any child age 1-18.

For PSD updates, including some info on educational resources, go to:

As soon as more decisions are made we will post more Delta-specific information. Thank you for your patience and please stay safe and healthy!

3/16/20, 10:50 am Update (PSD Info):

For ongoing updates specific to PSD, please check out the PSD website at: 

3/16/20, 10:45 am Update (KSD Info):

Free Meals for Students

We plan to provide free drive-up or walk-up "grab-and-go" meals to children weekdays from March 17 through at least April 24 (including April 6-10, the week of Spring Break) at several school sites.
Children 18 years and younger must be present to receive a grab-and-go bag. Meals will not be distributed to children who are not present.

Meals will be served from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the following school sites: Amistad, Amon Creek, Canyon View, Eastgate, Lincoln, Park, Ridge View, Southgate, and Vista. If more sites are added, we will update the list at

More updates and information specific to KSD students can be found at:

3/15/20, 11:00 am Update:

Just to further confirm, Delta will be closed on Monday, 3/16/20, and will remain closed until at least Monday, 4/27/20. Conferences that were scheduled for Monday and Tuesday will NOT be held at school or by phone.

As we learn more about the implications of the long-term closure we will post updates on Facebook, Edmodo, and on our website.

We already miss our Deltonians and cannot wait to see you back at school as soon as possible!

3/13/20, 5:00 pm Update:

At this time, Delta conferences for March 16-17 are officially cancelled.  Report cards will be mailed home.  We will be continuing to work on plans over the next week and will send out updates on our social media (website, Edmodo, and Facebook) regularly.  Please check for updates daily.


3/13/20, 2:30 pm Update:

Governor Inslee has ordered the closure of all public schools to begin no later than Tuesday, March 17th. Pasco School District has an emergency school board meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m. this evening. We will communicate additional information following the board meeting. [Delta note: KSD and RSD school boards also will be meeting tonight.]


3/13/20, 12:00 pm Update:

Pasco School District (and Delta High School)

Spring Conferences Update
With COVID-19 information changing day-to-day we are planning ahead.  At this time, parent-teacher conferences scheduled for the week of March 16th will continue as scheduled with one major change.  We will NOT be doing face-to-face conferences at this time.  Instead, all conferences will be conducted over the phone. Conference times and appointments already scheduled will be maintained, and translators will be available as scheduled.  Instead of coming to the school, your student’s teacher will call you at home during the scheduled conference time.  We believe conferences are important and ask that families make the effort to participate in these calls.  If your contact phone number has changed, please contact your school by telephone to update your contact information.

Because conferences will be completed over the phone, Delta report cards will be sent home with students on Wednesday, March 18th

Additional Delta Information:

With our student-led conferences to be held on Monday, March 16th and Tuesday, March 17th, this will require some adjustments for us all.  Today during advisory our teachers discussed an updated protocol with our students.  Your child should be contacting you to come up with a plan to connect by phone during their regularly scheduled time.  All conference times will remain the same.  Please let your student know the best number to be used for teachers to call you at the scheduled time.  We appreciate your flexibility as we work to support your Delta students and highlight the work they do each day at school.  Thank you!

After-School Activities

Additionally, PSD has cancelled all after-school activities until further notice.  This includes tonight's TOLO dance.  STEM-Con, for grades 9 and 10, will also be cancelled next week.  An updated schedule will be posted before next Wednesday unless there are further updates.  Please stay tuned and thank you for your flexibility and understanding.