Are you interested in getting your FIRST dose of the Pfizer vaccine here at Delta? If so, please read the following:
-Everyone 12+ can get the vaccine
-A consent form must be filled out
-Consent forms can be found in the office or on the Key Club bulletin board (by Mr. Hogg's room)
-If you are getting your first dose please complete the interest form ASAP:
-Turn your signed consent form into the office
-Your second dose will need to occur on or after 6/18 at another location. We will provide info on where you can sign up for a second dose.
Are you getting your SECOND dose on 5/28?
-You must bring another signed consent form--please pick up at the office or on the bulletin board by Mr. Hogg's room
-You are automatically signed up for a time
-Please return your signed consent form to the office