Work-Based Learning (Internships)

Through the internship placement process we try to provide 12th grade students with an experience that is as close as we can get to a real-world job hunt. The process involves posting internship opportunities with specific application requirements, interviews, intern selection, completion of hours, and wrap-up. It is important to us that our worksite partners are a part of each step and make the final decision on which intern will be the best fit for their business. We strive to follow the same process each time, although there are always unique situations where flexibility is required. 

Delta Internship Information

For more specific information about how your organization can benefit from a Delta High School senior, please contact Juli Troxel via email or phone 509-416-7860 ext. 5038.

Interested in posting a Delta Student Internship position?  Please use this form:

Internship posting form

Current Delta Students:
 Transcript Request Form

(Please complete the above form one time for each transcript request)

Juli Troxel
Work-Based Learning Coordinator

Email Juli Troxel